Wrapping up your degree or considering a career change? We believe outstanding teachers make a real difference.
Join us to inspire young minds, spark curiosity, and change lives. Through our partnership with Birmingham City University, we offer top-notch placements and professional development for undergraduate and PGCE students.
Thinking of becoming a teacher? Still weighing up your options? Let us tip the scales for you…
1. Teaching is a profession, a vocation, a calling…
Ok, so it’s a bit of a cliché, but unlike many jobs, teaching gives you the opportunity to make a real difference to children, your community and future generations. Like many things in life, you get out what you put in, and if you want to be able to make a real, tangible difference to young people, then teaching is for you. Some days can be hard but ask any teacher (especially any who’ve trained with us!) and they will tell you the same thing – in the end, it’s worth it.
2. Time flies when you’re having fun…
As a teacher you will find that no two days are the same. Every day you will be presented with new challenges in the form of your students, your subject, the time of year, even the weather (you’ll be surprised how a windy day can affect your students!) As a teacher you will never stop learning, each one your pupils will be able to teach you something, about yourself, the world, or sometimes just the latest dance craze.
Birmingham City University’s initial teacher training
3. Nice work if you can get it…
Remember when self-service check-outs were first introduced? It wasn’t long ago that factories were filled with people, not machines. The world will always need teachers, and the demand is only increasing. If job security is important to you, then teaching is a career to seriously consider. 95% of newly qualified teachers are employed in a teaching role six months after qualifying. The world will always need teachers. Not only can you have the peace of mind that comes with job opportunities, but teaching can also give you the freedom to work pretty much anywhere in the world.
4. Money makes the world go round…
As a new teacher, you’ll start on a minimum salary of £22,000 to £28,000, depending on location. Teachers in leadership roles earn on average £58,000, with many earning significantly more. The pay rises generally happen quickly too – and recent reforms mean that schools now have more freedom over how to pay their teachers.
5. School’s out for summer…
Another unique perk of teaching has to be the holidays. Summer holidays, Easter and half terms offer a pleasant (and sometimes necessary!) opportunity to take a break, reflect and relax. And if you have children, you don’t need to worry about childcare for the holidays!
6. Before you go…
Although we’ve made a career in teaching sound like the job of your dreams, there are some things to consider. Teaching isn’t your average 9 to 5, you will often find yourself working late, or taking your marking home with you. As a teacher, you will also become a mentor and confidant. The role you play in your pupils’ lives is vital; take a moment to consider if you are ready for that level of responsibility. Teaching is tiring, you are on your feet for much of the day. Inspiring your (sometimes reluctant) pupils can take its toll, and when you get to the end of the day you have a duty to ensure your first lesson is just as engaging as your last. You’ll face a certain level of scrutiny, from Ofsted, from parents and from the media. Developing a resilience to this scrutiny and learning to appreciate and use it to improve your teaching practice is something even the most experienced teachers can struggle with.